I think im doing this wrong .. anyways my response for chapter 1 :
In chapter 1 we learn the main charecters , like Peter and the Nobel etc . When Peter threw the rock at the Nobel i thought that was not smart at all .You shouldn't throw rocks at anyone especially if they are basically a king.. But since he did , Peter got in alot of trouble , they wanted to cut off his ear ! So he ran away .
Chapter 2 : Peter ran away , well he trys to run away from the Nobel and people who want to cut off his ear for throwing a rock . He actually escapes from them which was surprising because that means he must be a really fast runner . I did not at all think he would be able to escape just because the Nobel has horses and other soliders to hunt him down and would be able to catch him very fast , but Iwould not want to lose my ear so I would run away from all of the people chaising me aswell .
Remember not to summarise - you are to answer the Big Q and make connections between the text, video, preview activities done in class. Check out a few of the blogs I am following - go to my blog and click on the links to see some of the other posts.