Saturday, 22 October 2011

Cue for treason chapter 5&6

Chapter 5 ; Peter never made it to Kendal road that night , but was willing to try again of course . At first I thought Kendal was a girl he was trying to help untill I realized it was a road .. He took a wrong turn , and then it took him 1 hour to return back to where he was before because it was so dark . Maybe Peter should have brought a candle or even a flash light if they were invented back then . He should of packed supplies ! I would of done that , it could help alot . It's never fun when your walking in the dark and all of the sudden your flash light burns out ! That has happened to me alot of times . Him , William , Dick and Jane were all together safe , they all tryed to open the lid on a jar but they were to weak to even move it . William was scared that he might be hung . Who wouldn't be ! I would hate to live in the olden days where you're punishment would be to get your ear chopped off or get hung ! Those laws are so violent . They had dinner together then went off to bed . Peter woke up the birds chirpping and singing ! It was all peacefull until some one said "if you make a sound I will stick this knife in you !" if that would ever happen to me I'ed run away so fast ! Peter should have done that .

Chapter 6 ; For some reason no one really beleived that Peter was part of the group , they did not think he was an actor . He was getting really deffensive when everyone who was not an actor was saying how easy it is to act and just making it seem like acting isnt a real job , acting is pretty difficult actually , you really have to try and be set out for it . Acting is something you really want to do or you dont want to do , theres no middle . I love acting ! I think it's so fun . Ahaha . Ms . Desmond had gotten Kit and Peter to write something .


  1. I liked the personal connections, however there is too much summarizing going on, and some of the humor is stiff and hard to follow, I recommend extracting the bulk of the summarizing and removing some excess or unnecessary humor.

    -David L.

  2. Marisa, David is right, you summarized to much. Try to make more connections :D
